Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Welcome to our classrooms blog!
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to my future students and their families. My name is Simone Jones and I am going to be your future teacher and am looking forward to starting our school year together! I am currently studying Early Childhood Education at Indiana University and hope to teach in a preschool or kindergarten classroom after I graduate. I love working with young children and seeing the excitement children exude with each new learning experience. I believe that each child should be treated as an individual and it will be my pleasure to learn about each student's personal learning style in order to promote an individual pathway to successful learning. It is my hope as an educator to help each student reach his or her full potential by creating a classroom environment that is safe, inviting, and provides every opportunity for children to reach their full potential. It is my hope as your child's teacher to provide them with the essential tools they will need in order to become responsible members of not only our classroom but of the future we are creating together. Please do not hesitate to email me or visit our classroom with any questions or concerns that may arise. I am excited for this new school year and am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.

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